...when taking a cab in Jakarta, always choose the taxi brand called Bluebird. You cannot miss them because their cabs are literally colored blue. For their higher end taxis (mercedez benz), they are under the sister company called silver bird.
the inside of the cab with all the important telephone numbers
a blurred and wet photo of a bluebird taxi
...food is relatively inexpensive in Jakarta so if you have a weak stomach, avoid the hawkers (push cart food vendors). Although you will see locals eating from them, they've had years of experience to strengthen their immune system which, i bet, is not the case for you and me.

Padang buffet is too be avoided as well. This is where they lay out a feast before you and you only pay for the food that you consume. The rest is put away for the other patrons to enjoy so can you imagine who else has 'sampled' the food that you just ate.

...Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country so if you will be visiting any of the mosques, be sure to be properly and modestly attired.
...do not bring and show too much cash around specially if you will be going to the market or to the "local' areas
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