Friday, October 8, 2010

Forget me not...

I seem to have forgotten a lot of stuff at home today (and no, its not a sign of old age!) namely:

1. wallet
I don't have a single peso on my pocket/bag today. Luckily, I take the train so I have my stored card. My problem is where to take my lunch. Hopefully, somebody would be nice enough to treat me to lunch today.

2. hard drive
I need my hard drive because most, if not all, of my pictures are stored in my hard drive. And without my hard drive, how can I attach my pictures to my blog...ergo, no hotel/restaurant blog today.

3. tissue
I've had this runny nose/colds since last week and I had a huge bunch of tissue (which I 'stole' from an airline i recently took...shhhhhh) in my bag. Unfortunately, I changed my bag today so I have to use some crummy, rough tissue today.

Now, can somebody spare some change for me....