Sunday, October 31, 2010

iPad...part 3

I like taking it for my personal use or pictures that I'd like to upload to my blog. And with the iPad that does not come with a built-in camera, this can be a frustration as you still need to connect the iPad to a computer to upload pictures to it. Fortunately, there is this thing from Apple called the iPad Camera Connection Kit....and fortunately, again, one that I have been able to purchase.

Although it ain't quite as easy as buying it in a reseller shop here in Manila. Mainly, the iPad has not been officially launched here in the Philippines yet by Apple. The reason behind this (as I gathered from an Apple reseller SA) is that the Philippines is not a viable market for the iPad. What it means is they foresee that Filipinos are not going to go ga-ga over the iPad. So if you wanted to buy an iPad here, it would be from non-Apple reseller vendors or the gray market as they are commonly known. So my next option was to ask my friend, who was travelling to Hong Kong, to buy it for me from there. Unfortunately, due to one reason or another, my friend failed to bring me home the thing I wanted the most (that time, that is). So I was looking at this as another disappointment in my life (haha, not really).

It was at this time that a former college classmate of mine advertised on her Facebook account that she was selling her 64g wifi+3g iPad (already sold as of this writing) along with a camera connection kit. I thought at first that she wanted to sell the camera connection kit so I just casually sent her a pm asking her if the camera connection kit was worth it. Her reply was, "Yes, if you like to take pictures and upload them to your iPad although honestly I haven't used mine. It's still sealed in its box actually, would you like to buy it?" Of course I would love to buy it! But first things first, how much would I have to pay for it and how would she ship it to Manila (she's actually based in Davao which is still in the Philippines but like thousands of miles away). Actual retail price of the Camera Connection Kit in the US is US$ 29 (or about Php 1276 plus taxes) and in Hong Kong its about HK$ 228 (or about Php 1368). She was willing to sell it to me for Php 1510 including shipping (US$ 34 or HK$ 251) so the price wasn't really far off if I had to buy it elsewhere. I said yes to it and she instantly sent the package via JRS. I paid for it via bank deposit and voila!, I got it the following day. That was so easy and painless (just like the recent Baranggay election!)

connector for the SD card

connector for the usb that connects directly to the camera. I heard that you can connect other usb gadgets into this connector, just haven't tried it yet

1 comment:

  1. Now a days Mobile Phone is very essential for communication. But sometimes damage various ipad part. So that if repair this or it is impossible for use,
    Thanks for your nice posting.
